Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Consciousness is routing your choices.

Team Edward and Team Jacob.
Invigorating vs loyalty.

Thought-reader vs persistence.
It was obvious to me about Edward. The undead nature is always life-seeking.

"A contest between 'what I should' and 'what I am'." I completely agree but only that J is what 'she really is' and E is what 'she should'.

Bella's quest for the mysterious side is often confusion and blatant rebellion. Edward is aligned to that selfishness. An exclusive and nonconformist nature. Selfishness is the first gift for romance. In fact, his character is unkind. He wouldn't represent loyalty.

Unfortunately, Jacob's enthusiasm is seen as the mysterious that is non-invigorating. But Jacob was the better man. But because of his ability to give in spite of all.

Bella is led by fantasy. A blatant truth and unfulfilling. The reason for that double-minded is simply her fantasy is telling her she 'should' have edward. And her truth is telling her she 'is' onto Jacob. Not the other way that the stories says. Because she is not ruled for conscious. If she is, then consciousness would not lie to get through. Consciousness is routing your choices.

One brings life and another brings future. It is obvious that a life aligned to the invigorating destroys you. The invigorating takes your own to sustain its own. It is vampiric by nature. You will have to change your own values but only retain personality. Most would choose personality above values. When fantasy is top fashion.

The life aligned to loyalty is always boring. But it is always giving. The loyalist takes his own to sustain yours. It is sacrificial by nature. You have to compromise on your personality but at the price of keeping your values. This is harder choice because it is vibrant.

It is a different way of seeing things.
When you are choosing loyalty and invigorating.

Obviously.. I am team Jasper.

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