Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Plan B is going.

This is potentially the entry before I fly off to Hiati.

And amazingly, it is true.
I was the busiest at this point.
But I am blessed.
These few days made me feel stronger.

Instant noodles.

The little things that keep me happy.

God use my hands.
Plan B is going.

Ironically, I am in Team 2.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Victims of ourselves

If there is a need for salvation, then we could be victims of ourselves.
- cranberries_empty

Victimized is an act that was done unto self.
The perpetrator could also be the same victim.

Last night, I had dinner with good friends.
And I seriously consider this conclusion: that 'T*' (my friends would know whom I am talking about) want to be in control.

T* end up choosing what they did not say.
T* will choose the exact traits that they abhor.
T* willed to choose and adhere to the same weaknesses.
The idea of complementary is consistently missing.

T* simply choose what is within their control and reach.
And wouldn't mind the mistakes for the sake of control.

I don't think it is anything wrong. But I think that I have to live with this inconsistency.
Even YL was saying that she had to advise on potentiality just days before any union.
Prevalence there.

Has common sense become the victim?
Has comfort become the real perpetrator?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

From nothing to results

Someone told me:
"From nothing to results."

And I did it.
I am happy.
Keep my naysayers shut and my results sound.

Recently, I come to terms that I may not have my dreams.

Think about this:
"If we experience LW, will we even know that?"
"What if we misinterpreted?"

It is strange to create results without personal desires. Why would He allow that?
But it's true isn't it?

He formed us in His mind. He knew us before time.
He says He loved us.

But He never reveal His personal desires.
He only reveals that it is Will.

Did LW spend time hearing His Will?
Is that why she was turned to salt?
Why from results to nothing?

Why would He allow someone like me to create, yet not appeal my desires or interests?
Why be cruel to me?
Why walk on a shattered dream to create another dream?
Why from nothing to results?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


To Me,

My Soul is designed to envision and dream.
I shall dream.

My Soul creates.

From Soul.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Having faith is "an otherwise outcome is still good".

Have you ever witness before a football match in the World Cup or any games how the teams will huddle together and pray to God for victory?

Have you ever wondered if both teams believe in divine help and prayed before the games, whose side will God be on?

Haha it's funny because there can only be one winner in the game and God can't possibly grant both teams the championship title. God vs God?

Same as life, if 2 persons pray for the same thing and only one is allowed to have it, how will God decide? Tough being God..

If you are expecting an answer from me? I don't have any.. of course
But for 2 praying believers competing for the same prize this is wat i think...

Who will win the game?
I dunno

Whose side is God on?

Who will win in life?

My finite mind can only figure that in the bigger scheme of things, the Almighty honors all who seek Him diligently, though it may not necessary be through a game's victory, but certainly in his lifetime.

I like what Abraham Lincoln said

"Let us not pray that God is on our side in a war or any other time, but let us pray that we are on God's side."

I was reading the above entry with amazement. Yes, it is written by someone I respect a lot.
I thought about a almost similar question years ago.
Like the person who eats meat or not.
To the another, it may be an issue of whether the person has the faith for it or not.
It is not about whether the person's faith is greater or not.
So how would we know whom has the faith and has not the faith?
It is like 2 people who are praying for a victory over the same issue in their lives.

"God, let it be me." That I win your football game.
"God, let it be me." That I eat what you ordained.

That is why I like the post so much. That it is not about the game or the food.
But that we are at God's side.
That we are on what He ordained.
There must be the element of sacrilege in your words.
To be able to pray like that is sacrificial.

Someone had the full capacity to know what God wants.
But yet STILL took the chance to pray for the exact opposite.
To want the exact opposite outcome is not rebellion. Otherwise, the perfect man would never do it.
But perfect man is saying "Disparity, live with it".
Having faith is "an otherwise outcome is still good".

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;
yet not my will, but yours be done."
(it was a process even for Him)

Who gives you your feedbacks

Dear Apostle MegaSleek

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

I write to share with you good reports about how our church has been transformed!

We are so impacted by your message on "Pimp Your Church" with the latest revelation on 7 steps to church growth.
In fact after applying the principles, we are able to position the church in the most relevant way to the unchurched.

We have purchased the most advanced sound system and video equipment.
We have hired the best looking and skillful musicians to be on the worship team.
We are releasing the most cutting edge music albums every year.
We have planned the best church conferences with the hottest line up of speakers.
We are launching the most sophisticated projects that is unheard of in this century, even the media is hot on our movement.

Of course with the latest implementation comes much resistance from the older members, especially those with us from the beginning, just as you have warned us. However like you say, change is necessary and not to change is destructive. We have to let them go and maybe that is for the better as we keep the unity of the vision.

One of the oldest member happened to give us the most problems. Firstly, he insisted that we are ignoring him and not paying him much attention. I had to remind him that church is not all about him. He complained that church worship has become a show and is no longer ministering to him. Once again, i tell him not to be so self-centered but to be more vision-minded. He then questioned why we have removed the cross from the pulpit and message, I told him that his likings are too traditional and old school. He feedback that all the conferences and projects are not helping people at all and the church need him. How ridiculous and arrogant can that be just because he was an old-timer! I had to tell him off and reminded him again that church can't be all about him and certainly no one is indispensable! I guess he didn't take that well and with much sadness he finally left.

However, apart from that, all is going smoothly and more people are joining us and things are looking great! We look forward to you coming to share more revelation with us. Oh, before I forget, the old-timer guy who left may be going to other churches and if you happen to see him, just take note of what i have said. By the way, his name is Jesus.. if I didn't remember wrongly...

May you be greatly blessed!

Reverend Wannabe