Sunday, January 10, 2010

From nothing to results

Someone told me:
"From nothing to results."

And I did it.
I am happy.
Keep my naysayers shut and my results sound.

Recently, I come to terms that I may not have my dreams.

Think about this:
"If we experience LW, will we even know that?"
"What if we misinterpreted?"

It is strange to create results without personal desires. Why would He allow that?
But it's true isn't it?

He formed us in His mind. He knew us before time.
He says He loved us.

But He never reveal His personal desires.
He only reveals that it is Will.

Did LW spend time hearing His Will?
Is that why she was turned to salt?
Why from results to nothing?

Why would He allow someone like me to create, yet not appeal my desires or interests?
Why be cruel to me?
Why walk on a shattered dream to create another dream?
Why from nothing to results?

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