Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Because only He can extract life.

Finding loose change does not equate to issues. It equates to the extraction of value from life itself. It is representative of what life can be for one person. I would join anyone in the endeavor of “extracting life”.

The issue of forgiveness can never be an issue of letting go 10-cent.
No sane (or insane, for that matter) person would value unforgiveness.
The issue of forgiveness is always associated with anger and madness because it deals with robbing your eyes and mind.
It takes away things.
It is the loss of a good thing that causes the madness.

I read recently about an issue about an elderly person stooping down to pick up a ten-cents coin.
Was she being irrational?
Is 10-cents is of no value to any strata of society?
Someone who will not pick up 10-cents simply because it was not “worth it”.

The bystander is someone who detests the prodigal son.
The bystander is someone who will scoff at the sight of 2-mites.
The bystander is someone who will immediately cast the first stone.
The bystander is someone who doubts the possibilities of Zaccheus.
The bystander issues summons readily because he does not seek to extract life.

There was already no life in these things.
God designed HIMSELF to extract the best life He can find.
He came in Man-form (be it Jesus or not) so many times.

God is someone who runs towards the prodigal son.
God is someone who actually waits for the 2-mites to be transferred into His account.
God is someone who repels the first stone without violence.
God is someone who extracts the possibilities out of Zaccheus.

The older lady stooped down lowly to search for that one 10-cent.
Only simply, because she knows that only she can extract the value out of that 10-cent.

The bystander misses the whole point because he is eager to do every other thing, rather than what God is doing.

God seeks to extract life, to redeem life, to produce life.
One who does not do likewise, is like someone who laughs off at the Savior slogging to the Cross.

Because only He can extract life.

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