Sunday, June 20, 2010

Desperation and faith becomes synonymous.

I was walking around the hall on Saturday.
It is such a strange feeling to see your pictures being strewn around you.

Everyone walked by.
Looking at their expressions, I knew that it looked like a paid assignment.
I quietly walked by.

"Fantastic pictures! I wonder which company did these."

Maybe because I am really nobody.
Nobody likes a nobody.
Your level of faith is introduced by your immediate expression.
Maybe I am just that strange person in your eyes.

My portraits are more about me than they are about the people I photograph. ~Richard Avedon

I am just that nobody behind the camera.
I know what I see. I see what I could.
Someone was telling me, "You see the Soul. You see potential so well."
"What do you see? Seriously?"

If you ask me to start seeing again, my eyes will well up.

Another came along as said, "You always elevate people up with your words!"



We impart the Stronger to Weaker.
It is always seen as a transfer.
A stronger leader laying hands over a weaker.

But the only one event that reverses that transfer is Faith.
Faith reverses flow.
The woman with the issue of blood reversed the transfer.

In the realm of human effort, desperation and faith are two separate events.
One is likened to moving off and one is likened to staying put.

But there is one realm of human effort that is called Prayer.
Desperation and faith becomes synonymous.
It transfers you to a position whereby you reverse a flow.

Prayer is to have one hand on God and one hand on you.
Prayer is a realm. It reaches places where manual does not work.

Faith is the gutter that swings. It moves and stays at the same time.
It operates on a flow. The flow of Spirit.

Desperation opens up a whole new perspective on who you are seeking for.
It helps you to recognize the importance.

If you have been praying, have you felt for something?

Last night, someone told me..
"Why should I treat that person as a priority when that person treats me like an option?"

Honestly, I didn't know what to say.

Stop telling me You-The-Great-Guy thing.
I hate it.
I really do.
It has gotten me nowhere.
Great guys are not appreciated.
But yet, everyday, I am still You-The-Great-Guy.
Not because I like it. But because I have changed. I am fool enough to follow God.

I kept my end of the bargain.
But I feel miserable.
Really i do.

Give sloughs a chance.
But the clown doesn't deserve any.
What a cruel realty it has been.

An aunty came over and talk to me, "It is so fun to talk to you!"

You think so?

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