Monday, June 7, 2010

We owe this man.

Recently I was really impacted by the Asia Conference Drama about a star emcee.
Being an emcee, there are really many struggles.
You battle the inner demons as you are put on a stage.
No amount of spotlight can dispel them.

I remembered in 2000, being my first time in Church, a man was busy inviting people to come to the altar call.
Pastor Kong just finished prayed for the people. But another man kept searching and did not give up.
He was tall and fast in between the crowd.
I had no idea who he was. I felt a little awkward being asked to go in front but the man's eyes were sharp and warm.
It was amazing that he paid close attention to everyone he passed.
It was not a single ounce of hurry but every bit of pouring.

Pastor Tan Ye Peng was that amazing man.
You hear about him leading the social services of CHC.
You hear about him being awarded SIP award.
But the man is more than a face.
He ploughs faithfully.

My most personal encounter was meeting Pastor at the artist room.
It was one of my first few times being a wedding emcee.
And probably the million-th time for him.
I was extremely nervous and he called me over.
I thought of him as a man given to details and hawkish behavior.
And the first thing he did was to ask me with a smile, "How are you today?"
He did not challenge. But in every bit, taught from his heart.
A man of tenacity has every bit to give.

I remembered hearing him share in church of how he almost gave up.
Those tears were real.
Because being an emcee myself, I understood the inner demons he mentioned.
There is so much required and there is so much to pour.
I was so glad I had a chance to talk to Pastor before I went to emcee for that wedding.
He was never unfaithful.
He was every bit the real deal that Pastor Kong had mentioned about this man.

He listens.
He searches.
A brilliant man would have wanted the stage to himself.
But Pastor Tan Ye Peng just wanted to be himself.
Faithfully serving.

His mind is always about making it possible for everyone.
His mind is always about bringing the vision of God across.
A man like that will hardly be self-centered.
If it were lies, then it would not have been sustainable.

I am not a tall stature.
But Pastor helped me to reach the heart of God.
Like labor, he ounces out every bit of revelation so that we could hear about God more.
His actions speaks a lot louder than himself.
He has done much.

During SOT '08, he gave a simple word, "Go, do good works for the glory of God."
I ran quickly with that Word that year.
My cell group and I did an awesome Charity Concert called "WE're Able. Really."
And we impacted so many people. And today so many are calling out for WEAR concert again.
But really, the magic was the Word that Pastor released.
A faithful pastor being a channel for God.
Ordinary people doing Extraordinary things.

I could face my own inner demons because someone faithfully fought his.
From this man, I see what God can do and will keep doing.
He is able to do so much for the Kingdom of God.
Because Pastor Tan has been running with us.
He has been our Channel.
He has been searching for the things of God.
So that we can live out our destinies.

We owe this man.

Thank you, Pastor Tan.

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