Thursday, July 1, 2010

God sings to them?

I am so inspired today.
A few nights ago, people mistaken me to be a designer and a free lance photographer when I walked into the room.

Some nights ago, "Why do you like strange old things?"

Because someone has put in effort to survive the test of time.
It is not about sight sometimes. It is about a feel from the past.
It isn't a design flaw. It has seen and survived so that we have it today.

Last night, "You haven't changed. :)"

Because from the inside, I haven't lose hope.

I wrote these out.


A Lover with love on Your lips and Grace on Your tongue.

In death there's forgiveness, and forgiveness calls on a new life.

Teach me how to love as much as You teach me how to die.

God has Hands that circle us like a Wedding Band.


A new thought.

Have you ever wonder the songs you written..

God sings to them?

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